Directions: I-26 to I-240 to Charlotte St. Make a right on Charlotte. Go two lights about a mile. Make left immediately after AAMCO on to McCormick Place.
Host Hotel: Days Inn, 199 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC 28805 828-254-4311
Ease of getting in and out: Okay. Parking was odd.
Personal Notes: Saw what I would call a typical single A game. Several errors, many hits. Five errors, 19 hits in the game.
Beyond the outfield was a beautiful wooded area. Nice.
The stadium seats about 4,000. Smaller than the AA parks I'm use to attending.
It was bat night and crowded.
There was a net all around the infield. I don't like that. Blocks my view of the game. I do understand its importance, especially with lots of kids in the crowd.
Bullpens were way out of view.
You can see the beautifully wooded area behind the right field billboards. An advertisement for the 'Marlboro Man'. Wonder if that is still there??..
Everything had a chain link fence around it. The stands (as seen here), the bullpen
(as seen way out there on the third base side).