This page describes my last visit to Turner Field before I moved west to Colorado.
My friend, Jason, met me at my temporary home in Greenville, SC at around 8:30 am this Saturday morning.
Weather was overcast but weather reports predicted 80 degree temperature in Atlanta with sunny skies.
I'm reposting this from another web service provider (the one previously used is going away). I am so glad I captured this particular game. It's been ten years since I've moved from SC. And although we've seen each other a few times and keep in touch via email, I miss my friend Jason.
As we traveled down I-85, we headed into the Anderson Freedom Weekend Aloft festival. Several hot air balloons were beginning to lift off. One hovered over I-85. It was a freaky experience driving directly under it.
We stopped at the Chamblee MARTA station and took that into Five Points where we got a transfer to Turner Field. New rule.... remember to get a transfer ticket at the MARTA station. We did not know to do that and had to pay for the bus to Turner Field.
We got to the field way ahead of time. The Atlanta Braves were playing the NY Mets and Tom Glavine was pitching for the Mets. I was eagerly awaiting to see him pitch again. Horacio Ramirez got the mound for the Braves.Jason had ordered tickets via TicketMaster a few days earlier. We ended up getting seats in the third level, the same level as the press box. They were in the Lexus level, the club seating level. They were not in the sun. 'Tis a shame for I'm one of the few fans who likes having the sun beating down on them while watching a game.
Although it is quite lovely, shiny floors and carpeting with no view of the game, is not my favorite way to watch a ball game.
As I ordered my food (it was a very disappointing meal, especially for the price), I did manage to get catsup on the sleeve of my shirt. That made me feel a little more like I was at a ball game.
When Tom Glavine took the field, he mostly got a large round of applause. I stood up and applauded. There were a few corkers who boo'd him.
Even the security guards at the gates were pleasant enough while searching through hand bags, and looking under hats.
I found the tickets prices and food concession prices were over priced. That is one downfall to this stadium. I do believe they allow outside food in now. I'd recommend doing that should you visit Turner Field.
All in all, a very lovely day at the ballpark.
Tom Glavine in a Mets uniform.
That's just not right.
Here's me and Jason in our seats. We were one of the first few to be seated in our section.
Customer service was excellent. At least Jose, our section attendant, was. He helped people find their seats (it amazes me that people can't figure that out themselves, but, some can't). He got a wheelchair after the game for an elderly gentleman sitting next to me. He assured the section didn't get too out of control. He enjoyed the game as much as the rest of us and cheered for the Braves as we did. Very nicely done.
Here's the scoreboard and center field with a view of downtown Atlanta.
The Braves ended up winnng this game, 10 - 4. Winning pitcher was Horacio Ramirez; losing pitcher was Tom Glavine.
Attendance was 40,912.
Time of game was 2 hours and 39 minutes.
Our drive home was uneventful (except for the bugs attacking us.) Did see quite a few more hot air balloons over Anderson as we passed by the Freedom Weekend Aloft Festival.