Date Visited: 8/2/97 - 8/3/97
General Area in state: Binghamton is in the south central part of upstate New York, close to the Pennsylvania border. It's about 2 1/2 hours southwest of Albany; 1 1/4 hours south of Syracuse; an hour or so north of Scranton, PA..
Directions: I don't remember. Call the number above for directions.
Ease of getting in and out: Not bad
Website: Okay. Cool guestbook. 8/2008 - no guestbook anymore.
Radio Announcer: Excellent. Loved him. Stuck to baseball. There was no yammering about things unrelated to baseball and the baseball game being played.
Customer Service: Poor
Downtown Binghamton and Binghamton Municipal Stadium.
Photo copied from B-Mets website back in the late 1990's. It is not mine.
Personal Notes: I attended two games here. The service at the first game was poor. The computer system was down. They did a horrible job of running the business without the computer. I received duplicate tickets, I was told I couldn't go into the ballpark because I had a water bottle. I went to another gate and was let in. Lots of confusion and waiting. Very bad.
They played music between every pitch. Don't like that.
I wasn't going to go back but they announced the next day was 'Vintage Day' and it was a Sunday afternoon game. Couldn't pass that up.
All the B-Mets players wore the #4 on their right sleeve. Someone in the Mets organization died and they were doing that in memory of him. Never did find out who it was.
I filled out a Mickey Mantle 'donate your body parts after you die' card. Nice promotion. 6/2009 - I still have the signed card in my wallet.
There were two levels of billboards in the outfield. Beautiful setting; mountains beyond the outfield.
I favored Jose Lopez, third baseman for the B-Mets. He was very smooth; like a dancer or a gazelle.
On Vintage Day, the B-Mets wore 'Triple Cities' uniforms; the visiting Rock Cats wore 'Hartford Chiefs' uniforms. The players looked great. Lots of binocular usage.
David Ortiz (Rock Cats) got thrown out of the game after receiving an undesirable call from the umpire. He threw bat, bucket and towel out from the dug out.
Vintage Day.
Love those
Beautiful mountains beyond the outfield.
Posted: June 11, 2009
Binghamton Convention & Visitors Center
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