AFL Trip - Nov, 2008
Sat, 11/8 - Travel to Phoenix - Mesa Game
Sun, 11/9 - Visit w/Radhi and Jim
Mon, 11/10 - Peoria Game
Tues, 11/11 - Surprise-Phoenix Games
Wed, 11/12 - Mesa - Scottsdale Games
Thurs, 11/13 - Phoenix - Peoria Games
Fri, 11/14 - Phoenix - Scottsdale Games
Sat, 11/15 - Surprise - Mesa Games
Sun, 11/16 - Travel Home / Trip Summary

In November, 2008, I took a trip to Phoenix to see some Arizona Fall League baseball games.
This site provides some photos and commentaries on my visit to the stadiums and the games I saw.

To travel through this site, either click on the links above (by day), or select the Next, Back, or Home buttons on the bottom of each page.
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